Ways to Stop Cannabis Without Going to Rehab

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When you become a marijuana addict, your mental well-being and general health become compromised. You always feel like getting a puff for you to continue with your daily duties. Since most marijuana addicts cannot pass a urine drug test, it is advised to make sure you use the XStream synthetic urine so that you produce a false negative result. Many people spend their time in rehab trying to overcome addiction but in various ways, you can beat the addiction. Makeup your mind and you will be able to live a marijuana free life.

Reduce Your Frequency of Taking Marijuana

When you used to smoke to take weed after every one hour, you can increase the interval to six hours per session. Fact remains that you cannot quit abruptly because the body will go through withdrawal symptoms which will not be good for you. when you reduce the frequency, you will be making the body to adapt to low levels of weed which will be like eliminating the weed out of your bloodstream. Many drug addicts keep asking themselves how long does weed stay in the system of an athlete. The truth is that it can take up to 6 months before it is cleared from your system.

Try to Get CBD Gummies

Marijuana has THC components that make it to cause the highest. CBD is derived from marijuana but it doesn’t contain any THC chemicals in it. This means you will be able to curb the craving that triggers you to smoke marijuana. When chewing the CBD gummies, the desire to smoke weed is reduced and you don’t feel the urge to even smoke it. Continued use of CBD gummies makes you become a marijuana-free individual. CBD gummies are harmless and they also promote your mental strength such as improved focus and thinking capacity.

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Avoid Friends Who Use Weed

One thing with weed is that it is normally good when taken together with friends. When you see friends, you even feel the urge to smoke and just like alcohol, your friends can buy it for you and smoke for free. For that reason, make sure you avoid such groups. You can involve yourself in sports so that you don’t keep your mind idle. An idle mind can think about marijuana at any time because it tends to focus on the things that make you happy. Long-term marijuana consumption is not good for your health so make sure you stop when you still have the chance.

Do Detoxification

Did you know that the traces of marijuana in your blood are the ones that bring the cravings? When you detox, the traces of the marijuana are all neutralized making you appear as if you hadn’t smoke any weed before. You will need to detox on regular basis using the strongest detoxifying agents for you to stand a chance of overcoming the addiction. When detox, you become sober and the desire to take weed diminishes. Drinking plenty of water can also help you to neutralize the THC levels in your bloodstream so that you kill the cravings.


Quitting marijuana is not an easy journey. Weight the benefits versus the pleasure so that you know what to do to increase your sobriety. When you smoke weed, you end up not being mentally fit so make sure you always prevent yourself. most people who have friends that smoke weed ends up being smokers so make sure you cut off all friends that smoke weed. Make it a habit to have a balanced diet because it also helps the body to eliminate impurities like THC from your body.

READ MORE:  7 Reasons Why Cannabis should be Legalized

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