Members Vote Yes for First Contract in UFCW Local 152’s Cannabis Division

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EGG HARBOR TOWNSHIP, N.J.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–UFCW Local 152 members at The Botanist dispensaries in Egg Harbor and Atlantic City, N.J. voted overwhelmingly on June 21 to ratify a bargaining agreement with their employer, making it the first of its kind for cannabis workers at the local union.

The three-year agreement calls for raises as well as ratification bonuses and improved health benefits. The base salary for new hires is increased and all members at both Botanist locations have access to the grievance process through their union.

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“This strong first contract is the culmination of months of hard bargaining on behalf of our members,” Local 152 President Brian String said. “The unity displayed by these workers was crucial to our success and sets a strong foundation for continued achievements.”

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UFCW Local 152 represents more than 60 workers at The Botanist across the two locations. Members grow, harvest and process cannabis and sell it in several forms at their retail spaces. Customers can seek assistance from the experts at either location to find the products that meet their medical needs.

For more than a decade, Local 152 has been at the forefront of organizing the cannabis industry in New Jersey. Earlier this year, workers at another cannabis cultivation site owned by MPX NJ group voted to join the union and are in negotiations to determine their first contract.

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“Our expertise in bargaining across many diverse, challenging industries makes Local 152 a powerful ally for cannabis workers,” String said.

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“No one has to go it alone. With a union, we’re all in this together.”


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Brian String, President

UFCW Local 152

(609) 704-3900

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