Whole Ball of Tax by Wolters Kluwer provides a comprehensive set of expertly curated resources and key expert insights to keep journalists and media informed for the 2023 tax filing season.
–(BUSINESS WIRE)–#CPA–Wolters Kluwer Tax & Accounting:
What: The Whole Ball of Tax media resource center from Wolters Kluwer Tax & Accounting is now available with resources curated by our tax experts to explain the nuances of the 2023 tax filing season and the tax developments impacting business and individual taxpayers.
Delivered in a user-friendly, easy to navigate online format, the media resource center includes helpful tax news, checklists, charts, and tables that deliver in-depth analysis covering a broad range of topics impacting taxpayers.
The most requested tax resources include:
State-by-state tax scenario guides, including:- Advertisement -
- Cryptocurrency transactions
- Telecommuters and nonresident employees
- Cannabis
- Finding a tax-friendly state for retirement
- Historical rates for the past 110 years for income, estate and gift taxes, and capital gains
- Student loan debt forgiveness – the current status and tax implications of the program
Bookmark Whole Ball of Tax media resource center and check back periodically as new resources will be released by our tax experts throughout tax season.
Why: The IRS started accepting eFiled individual returns for the 2023 tax season on January 23, 2023.
Mark Luscombe, JD, LLM, CPA and Principal Federal Tax Analyst for Wolters Kluwer Tax & Accounting, said:
“Taxpayers may find the 2023 tax filing season to be relatively normal compared to recent years, as many of the COVID relief provisions have expired. Still, there are a lot of changes for the 2023 tax filing season, and those changes will present both challenges and planning opportunities to try to maximize tax benefits.”
These changes include the creation or revision of 24 tax forms, including Forms 1020 and 1099-K. While the Inflation Reduction Act preserved and extended a number of individual and business energy-related tax provisions, many of these are not effective until 2023, or later.
Who: Our federal and state tax experts, including Mark Luscombe, JD, LL.M, CPA, Principal Federal Tax Analyst, for Wolters Kluwer Tax & Accounting, are available for interviews and analysis to discuss these tax law changes.
The Whole Ball of Tax is powered by CCH® AnswerConnect, the most comprehensive and current tax research authority in the industry. Throughout the year, Wolters Kluwer Tax & Accounting also releases tax briefings that offer timely and thorough insights on the tax legislation impacting businesses and individuals. Here is a link to one of the latest tax briefings: “2022 Tax Year in Review.”
PLEASE NOTE: These materials are designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter covered. The information is provided with the understanding that Wolters Kluwer Tax & Accounting is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, or other professional service.
Contact: To arrange interviews with federal and state tax experts from Wolters Kluwer Tax & Accounting, including Mark Luscombe, about this tax filing season or any other tax-related topics, please contact: